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The Mobility Industry Needs to Show Womxn That They Belong on the Ride!

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

The womxn* of Ubiq share their experience working in mobility and their thoughts for how to make the industry more attractive for womxn.

*For more information on the word "womxn" click here.

Of all employees in the mobility industry only about 22% are womxn - that's 1 in 5.

Considering the fact that womxn are just as mobile as men, makes this disproportion even more stark and means our industry is missing out on valuable insights on up to 50% of the market.

Although, we have more work ahead of us, Ubiq is proud to share that our team is comprised of about 40% womxn - almost double the industry average. In honour of Womxn’s History Month, we asked the womxn at Ubiq a few questions about their experience working in the mobility industry.

The womxn of Ubiq say:

Working in the mobility industry means creating meaningful impact on our cities.

When we asked the womxn at Ubiq how they came to work in the mobility industry, their answers were astoundingly similar - “It just sort of happened.” This response highlights the fact that womxn aren’t initially drawn to or actively looking to work in mobility. This response begged us to ask many questions about why that is (more on that below), but we also wanted to know why they chose to stay working in the industry. Again, the responses were very similar. It turns out that womxn (at least at Ubiq) are attracted to creating meaningful impact and see a great deal of opportunity to do so working in the mobility industry. We obviously couldn’t agree more. We know that we need womxn’s voices in order to democratise mobility and create more sustainable cities. So how can we make the mobility industry more attractive for womxn to work in?

The womxn of Ubiq say:

We need to show womxn that the mobility industry is a place where they can thrive.

In order to encourage womxn to work in mobility, we need to create workplaces that make space for womxn. Work becomes meaningful when people feel like they belong.

The womxn of Ubiq encourage you to take a look inward and ask questions like:

  • What are our company values and do they speak to womxn?

  • Is our company communication inclusive of womxn? For example, using words like “human power” instead of “manpower.”

  • What is the distribution of men and womxn amongst the leadership team at our company?

  • Is our recruiting strategy adequately funnelling in applications from womxn?

  • Has bias crept into our hiring process? For example, are you searching for specific character traits versus qualifications?

  • Do we have department silos at our company? For example, do the womxn at your company tend to work in departments stereotypically deemed more fitting for womxn such as Human Resources, Marketing, Communications, etc.

  • Do we have policies in place to keep womxn safe? If so, how do we enforce them?

  • Do we provide womxn at our company with opportunities to connect with other womxn in the industry?

These are just a few questions to help us start to think about our workplaces a bit more inclusively.

However, the only way we are going to be able to reimagine the mobility industry and truly make it more attractive to womxn, is by bringing and keeping more womxn in on the conversations as well as sharing our progress and missteps with one another.

For anyone who has read this far, we encourage you to start now (no matter how big or small). You can do so by letting us know what steps you and/or your company can take today, this week, or this month to show womxn that they belong on the ride?


Ubiq enables operators to effectively position fleets to serve strategic goals. For more information, contact


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